Budapest Estate

Budajenõ Hilltop Lakópark, Pest

Property info

Type: house
Basic area: 340 m2
Number of rooms: 5
Heating: Gas (central heating)
Comfort: Luxury
Parking: garage
Address: Pest, Budajenõ Hilltop Lakópark


A beautiful 5-rooms house is for rent in Budajenõ (it is 25 minutes from Moszkva tér). The house is in the Hilltop subdivision, which was built in an American way (there's no fence)
The subdivision has own playing ground, and there is a safeguard system (camera, and crossing gates) around the subdivision.
The house is 340 nm + 150 nm terrace. The groundfloor is 202 nm, 100 nm the american kitchen + hall, and the first floor is 145 nm.
There is floor heating, and air condition too, and it is fully furnished.
A double garage + 2 parking place belongs to the house.
The garden has own street orderly system.
You can bring animal(s) (pets) there.

Price: € 2 300 rental

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Budapest Estate, Hungary, 1067 Budapest Teréz körút no. 7, e-mail:
Phone/fax: 00 36 1 321 90 38, Mobile: 00 36 70 311 85 41