Budapest Estate

József körút, Budapest 8. district

Property info

Type: in flat
Basic area: 15 m2
Floor: ground floor
Address: Budapest 8. district, József körút


15-squaremeter apartment is for rent at Rákóczi square, on a busy part of József ringroad. It is furnished as a hairdresser salon, at the moment, but is easily transformable to use it for other purposes. The apartment and the building is renovated, as well. Two shopwindows under the gate, and a shopwindow facing streetwards belong to the apartment, which also has a notice board on the street.

Price: € 350 rental

Image for József körút Image for József körút Image for József körút Image for József körút
Budapest Estate, Hungary, 1067 Budapest Teréz körút no. 7, e-mail:
Phone/fax: 00 36 1 321 90 38, Mobile: 00 36 70 311 85 41