Budapest Estate

Bulcsú utca, Budapest 13. district

Property info

Type: brick
Basic area: 114 m2
Number of rooms: 3
Number of half rooms: 1
Floor: 2
Heating: gas (convector)
Comfort: all conveniences
Elevator: yes
Parking: in the street
View: streetward
Address: Budapest 13. district, Bulcsú utca


In the 13th district, in Béke street there is a 3,5-room flat for sale. It is located in the 2nd floor and it is 114 nm. It was renovated in 2007. The staircase/building is also in a good condition. There is an elevator in the building. The flat is always shiny and quiet, because it is located in a smaller crossroad.
In the flat there are 2 big build-n closets which covered by mirrors, and the aircondition system installed. The entrance door is carapace.
In front of the building there is a park with playground, and the Lehel Market.
There are a lot of parking facilities. The public transportation is excellent (here stops a lot of buses, trolley-buses, the metro line 3...)

Price: € 113 800

Image for Bulcsú utca Image for Bulcsú utca Image for Bulcsú utca Image for Bulcsú utca Image for Bulcsú utca
Budapest Estate, Hungary, 1067 Budapest Teréz körút no. 7, e-mail:
Phone/fax: 00 36 1 321 90 38, Mobile: 00 36 70 311 85 41